Atlas of Fungi: Introduction, List of Contents, and Description

Introduction to Atlas of Fungi

Table of Contents

The name ‘ Atlas of Fungi’ is given even due to the vast spectrum of mycology but puny collection and another thing are that only an epic center collection of author authentical performance. So, please if you have benefited from this atlas, let others know about it too and share them through social media.

Atlas of Fungi: Introduction, List of Contents, and Description
Fig. Capsules of Cryptococcus neoformans in India ink Preparation (upper left), Mucor structures in LPCB prepation of fungal culture (upper middle), Yeast cells, budding and pseudohypahe of fungi in KOH mount of sputum microscopy, black mould on SDA (lower left). Cryptococcus neoformans mucoid colony morphology on Sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA) (lower middle), and conida and conidiophores of Dematiaceous fungi (lower lfet)

Atlas of Fungi

India Ink Preparation of CSF for observation of capsules of Cryptococcus neoformans in case of Cryptococcal meningitis

Fig. India Ink Preparation of CSF for observation of capsules of Cryptococcus neoformans in case of Cryptococcal meningitis

India Ink Preparation of CSF Positive

India Ink Preparation Positive

Fig. India Ink Preparation of CSF Positive denotes cryptococcal meningitis.

Cryptococcus capsules in Nigrosin preparation

Cryptococcus capsules in Nigrosin preparation
Fig. Cryptococcus capsules in Nigrosin preparation

Cryptococcus colony characteristics on Sabouraud dextrose agar

Cryptococcus colony characteristics on Sabouraud dextrose agar
Fig. Cryptococcus colony characteristics on Sabouraud dextrose agar after 4 days of incubation at 37°C

Cryptococcus neoformans mucoid colony on SDA

Cryptococcus neoforman mucoid colony on SDA
Fig. Cryptococcus neoformans mucoid colony on SDA after 6 days of incubation

Cryptococcus Growth on Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA) showing smooth, mucoid, and cream-colored colonies

Cryptococcus Growth on Sabouraud  Dextrose Agar (SDA) shows smooth, mucoid, and cream-colored colonies
Fig. Cryptococcus Growth on Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA) showing smooth, mucoid, and cream-colored colonies

Live and Dead Cryptococcus neoformans Footages in Methylene Blue wet mount

Live and Dead Cryptococcus neoformans Footages in Methylene Blue wet mount Microscopy
Fig. Live and Dead Cryptococcus neoformans footages in methylene blue wet mount Microscopy

Live and dead Cryptococcus yeast cells under the Microscope

Fig. Live and dead Cryptococcus yeast cells under the Microscope at a magnification of 1000X-Violet cells are live while pink is dead yeasts.

Yeast cells of Cryptococcus neoformans in Gram-stained smear of culture

Fig. Yeast cells of Cryptococcus neoformans in Gram-stained smear of culture Microscopy at a magnification of 3000X

India Ink Preparation from the culture of Cryptococcus neoformans

India Ink Preparation from culture of Cryptococcus neoformans
Fig. India Ink Preparation from the culture of Cryptococcus neoformans microscopy at a magnification of 4000X showing poor expression of capsules due to being laboratory manipulation (culture isolate)

Cryptococcus capsules in Giemsa stained smear

Cryptococcus capsules in Giemsa stained smear
Fig. Cryptococcus capsules in Giemsa stained smear of Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) microscopy showing hallow zone around the yeasts

Cryptococcus neformans in LPCB tease mount of culture

Crptococcus neformans in LPCB tease mount of culture
Fig. Cryptococcus neformans in LPCB tease mount of culture

Cryptococcus in a saline wet mount of culture

Fig. Cryptococcus in a saline wet mount of culture microscopy at a magnification of 1600X

Birdseed agar showing colony characteristics of Cryptococcus neoformans

Bird seed agar showing colonies characteristics of Cryptococcus neoformans
Fig. Birdseed agar showing colony characteristics of Cryptococcus neoformans brownish yellow after incubation of the plate aerobically at 30°C for 5 days

Candida and Cryptococcus growth on Coffee agar

Candida and Cryptococcus growth on Coffee agar
Fig. Candida and Cryptococcus growth on Coffee agar

Cryptococcus neoformans mucoid strain growth on MacConkey medium from CSF

Cryptococcus neoformans mucoid strain growth on MacConkey medium from CSF
Fig. Cryptococcus neoformans mucoid strain growth on MacConkey medium from CSF

Cryptococcus neoformans mucoid strain growth on blood agar from CSF

Cryptococcus neoformans mucoid strain growth on blood agar from CSF
Fig. Cryptococcus neoformans mucoid strain growth on blood agar from CSF

Urease Positive Cryptococcus neoformans Demonstration

Urease Positive Cryptococcus neoformans Demonstration
Fig. Urease Positive Cryptococcus neoformans Demonstration

Candida albicans and Cryptococcus neoformans growth on SDA

Candida albicans and Cryptococcus neoformans growth on SDA
Fig. Candida albicans and Cryptococcus neoformans growth on SDA

Candida albicans colony characteristics on SDA

Candida albicans colony characteristics on SDA
Fig. Candida albicans colony characteristics on SDA

Candida colony morphology on Sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA)

Candida colony morphology on Sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA)
Fig. Candida colony morphology on Sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA)

Gram Positive Yeast cells of Candida

Gram Positive Yeast cells of Candida
Fig. Gram-Positive Yeast cells of Candida

Yeast cells of Candida in a saline wet mount of culture

Yeast cells of Candida in saline wet mount of culture
Fig. Yeast cells of Candida in a saline wet mount of culture

Germ tube test positive for Candida albicans

Germ tube test positive Candida albicans
Fig. Germ tube test positive Candida albicans

Chlamydospores of Candida albicans Demonstration

Chlamydospores of Candida albicans Demonstration
Fig. Chlamydospores of Candida albicans Demonstration

Carbohydrate Assimilation Test of Various Yeasts

Carbohydrate Assimilation Test of Various Yeasts
Fig. Carbohydrate Assimilation Test of Various Yeasts-Candia, Cryptococcus, and Saccharomyces

Carbohydrate Fermentation Test of Candida albicans

Carbohydrate Fermentation Test of Candida albicans
Fig. Carbohydrate Fermentation Test of Candida albicans

Various Candida species growth on Chromagar

Various Candida species growth on Chromagar
Fig. Various Candida species growth on Chromagar

Candida glabrata growth on various media

Candida glabrata growth on various media
Fig. Candida glabrata growth on various media

Candida glabrata in a saline wet mount

Candida glabrata in saline wet mount
Fig. Candida glabrata in a saline wet mount

Candida glabrata in Giemsa stained smear of patient sputum

Candida glabrata in Giemsa stained smear of patient sputum
Fig. Candida glabrata in Giemsa stained smear of patient sputum

Candida tropicalis colony morphology and AFST

Candida tropicalis colony morpology and AFST
Fig. Candida tropicalis colony morphology and AFST

Candida tropicalis colony morphology on SDA

Candida tropicalis colony morpology on SDA
Fig. Candida tropicalis colony morphology on SDA

Antifungal Drugs Susceptibility Testing (AFST) pattern of Candida tropicalis

Antifungal Drugs Susceptibility Testing (AFST) pattern of Candida tropicalis
Fig. Antifungal Drugs Susceptibility Testing (AFST) pattern of Candida tropicalis

Candida tropicalis yeast cells in Gram-stained smear of culture

Candida tropicalis yeast cells in Gram stained smear of culture
Fig. Candida tropicalis yeast cells in Gram-stained smear of culture

Candida tropicalis yeast cells in a saline wet mount of culture

Candida tropicalis yeast cells in saline wet mount of culture
Fig. Candida tropicalis yeast cells in a saline wet mount of culture

Geotrichum colony morphology on SDA

Geotrichum colony morphology on SDA
Fig. Geotrichum colony morphology on SDA

Geotrichum candidum in LPCB tease mount showing arthroconidia

Geotrichum candidum in LPCB tease mount showing arthroconidia
Fig. Geotrichum candidum in LPCB tease mount showing arthroconidia

Malassezia growth on SDA and its LPCB Preparation

Malassezia growth on SDA and its LPCB Preparation
Fig. Malassezia growth on SDA and its LPCB Preparation

Malassezia in LPCB tease mount preparation

Malassezia in LPCB  tease mount preparation
Fig. Malassezia in LPCB tease mount preparation

Malassezia in saline wet mount microscopy

Malassezia in saline wet mount microscopy
Fig. Malassezia in saline wet mount microscopy

KOH mount of ear discharge showing fungal elements-Septate hyphae with V-shaped or acute-angle or dichotomous branching

KOH mount of ear discharge showing fungal elements-Septate hyphae with V-shaped or acute-angle or dichotomous branching
Fig. KOH mount of ear discharge showing fungal elements-Septate hyphae with V-shaped or acute-angle or dichotomous branching

Numerous conidia of Aspergillus and pus cells in Gram-stained smear of CSOM patient ear discharge

Numerous conidia of Aspergillus and pus cells in Gram stained smear of CSOM patient ear discharge
Fig. Numerous conidia of Aspergillus and pus cells in Gram-stained smear of CSOM patient ear discharge

Aspergillus niger colony morphology on Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA)

Aspergillus niger colony morphology on Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA)
Fig. Aspergillus niger colony morphology on Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA)

Aspergillus niger colony characteristics on SDA

Aspergillus niger colony characteristics on SDA
Fig. Aspergillus niger colony characteristics on SDA-Colonies appear within 1-2 days due to being a fast grower and show a velvety to the powdery surface and colonies are black.

Conidia, phialides, vesicle, stipe, and conidiophore of Aspergillus in LPCB tease mount microscopy

Conidia, phialides, vesicle, stipe and  conidiophore of Aspergillus in LPCB tease mount microscopy
Fig. Conidia, phialides, vesicle, stipe, and conidiophore of Aspergillus in LPCB tease mount microscopy

Aspergillus niger colony characteristics on Cornmeal Agar (CMA)

Aspergillus niger colony characteristics on Cornmeal Agar (CMA)
Fig. Aspergillus niger colony characteristics on Cornmeal Agar (CMA)

A beautiful Aspergillus niger colony characteristics on SDA demonstration

A beautiful Aspergillus niger colony characteristics on SDA demonstration
Fig. A beautiful Aspergillus niger colony characteristics on SDA demonstration

Aspergillus fumigatus fungal elements in KOH mount of aural discharge microscopic footage

Aspergillus fumigatus fungal elements in KOH mount of aural discharge microscopic footage
Fig. Aspergillus fumigatus fungal elements in KOH mount of aural discharge microscopic footage

Aspergillus fumigatus colony morphology on Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA)

Aspergillus fumigatus colony morphology on Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA)
Fig. Aspergillus fumigatus colony morphology on Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA)

Aspergillus fumigatus mycelium, hyphae, and conidia in LPCB tease mount

Aspergillus fumigatus mycelium, hyphae, and conidia in LPCB tease mount
Fig. Aspergillus fumigatus mycelium, hyphae, and conidia in LPCB tease mount

Aspergillus fumigatus colony morphology on SDA

Aspergillus fumigatus colony morphology on SDA
Fig. Aspergillus fumigatus colony morphology on SDA

Fungal hyphae and conidia in KOH mount of Pus

Funagl hyphae and conidia in KOH mount of Pus
Fig. Fungal hyphae and conidia in KOH mount of Pus

Aspergillus flavus Colony Characteristics on Czapek Dox Agar

Aspergillus flavus Colony Characteristics on Czapek Dox Agar
Fig. Aspergillus flavus Colony Characteristics on Czapek Dox Agar

Aspergillus flavus Colony Characteristics on CMA

Aspergillus flavus Colony Characteristics on CMA
Fig. Aspergillus flavus Colony Characteristics on CMA

Conidia, phialides, vesicle, stipe, and conidiophore of Aspergillus flavus in LPCB tease mount microscopy

Conidia, phialides, vesicle, stipe, and conidiophore of Aspergillus flavus in LPCB tease mount microscopy
Fig. Conidia, phialides, vesicle, stipe, and conidiophore of Aspergillus flavus in LPCB tease mount microscopy

Bipolaris Colony Morphology on SDA

Bipolaris Colony Morphology on SDA
Fig. Bipolaris Colony Morphology on SDA

Bipolaris species in LPCB tease mount showing sympodial development of pale brown pigmented, pseudseptate conidia on a geniculate or zig-zag rachis

Bipolaris species in LPCB tease mount  showing sympodial development of pale brown pigmented, pseudseptate conidia on a geniculate or zig-zag rachis
Fig. Bipolaris species in LPCB tease mount showing sympodial development of pale brown pigmented, pseudseptate conidia on a geniculate or zig-zag rachis

Cladosporium Colony Morphology on SDA

Cladosporium Colony Morphology on SDA
Fig. Cladosporium Colony Morphology on SDA

Cladosporium reverse pigment on SDA

Cladosporium reverse pigment on SDA
Fig. Cladosporium reverse pigment on SDA

Conidia, phialides, and conidiophore of Cladosporium in LPCB tease mount microscopy

Conidia, phialides,  and conidiophore of Cladosporium in LPCB tease mount microscopy
Fig. Conidia, phialides, and conidiophore of Cladosporium in LPCB tease mount microscopy

Fungal infected nail

Fungal infected nail
Fig. Fungal infected nail

Fungal Infected Nail Microscopy showing Hyphae and Chlamydospores of Dermatophytes

Fungal Infected Nail Microscopy showing Hyphae and Chlamydospores of Dermatophytes
Fig. Fungal Infected Nail Microscopy showing Hyphae and Chlamydospores of Dermatophytes

Epdidermophyton young culture on SDA

Epdidermophyton young culture on SDA
Fig. Epdidermophyton young culture on SDA

Macroconidia and chlamydospores of Epidermophyton in LPCB tease mount demonstration

Macroconidia and chlamydospores of Epidermophyton in LPCB tease mount demonstration
Fig. Macroconidia and chlamydospores of Epidermophyton in LPCB tease mount demonstration

Ringworm or tinea cruris due to Dermatophytes

Ringworm or tinea cruris due to Dermatophytes
Fig. Ringworm or tinea cruris due to Dermatophytes

Skin scrapping in KOH mount showing ringworm-causing fungi dermatophytes with branching septate hyphae

Skin scrapping in KOH mount showing ringworm causing fungi dermatophytes with branching septate hyphae
Fig. Skin scrapping in KOH mount showing ringworm-causing fungi dermatophytes with branching septate hyphae

Trichophyton mentagrophytes Colony characteristics on SDA

Trichophyton mentagrophytes Colony characteristics on SDA
Fig. Trichophyton mentagrophytes Colony characteristics on SDA-Colonies are flat, white to cream in color,  with a powdery to the granular surface.

Trichophyton mentagrophytes Colony Morphology on SDA (plate) and SDA (tube)

Trichophyton mentagrophytes Colony Morphology on SDA (plate) and SDA (tube)
Fig. Trichophyton mentagrophytes Colony Morphology on SDA (plate) and SDA (tube):-Colonies are flat, white to cream in color,  with a powdery to the granular surface (tube). Reverse pigmentation-Yellow to brown (plate)

LPCB tease mount of trichophyton mentagrophytes culture showing microconidia (1), macroconidia (2), hyphae (3), chlamydospores(4), and spiral hyphae(5)

LPCB tease mount of Trichophyton mentagrophytes culture showing microconidia (1), macroconidia (2), hyphae (3), chlamydospores(4), and spiral hyphae(5).jpg
Fig. LPCB tease mount of Trichophyton mentagrophytes culture showing microconidia (1), macroconidia (2), hyphae (3), chlamydospores(4), and spiral hyphae(5)

Ringworm due to Trichophyton rubrum

Ringworm due to Trichophyton rubrum
Fig. Ringworm due to Trichophyton rubrum

Trichophyton rubrum colony morphology on SDA

 Trichophyton rubrumcolony morphology on SDA
Fig. Trichophyton rubrum colony morphology on SDA

Trichophyton rubrum microconidia, macroconidia, and hyphae in LPCB tease mount microscopy

 Trichophyton rubrum microconidia, macroconidia and hyphae in LPCB tease mount microscopy
Fig. Trichophyton rubrum microconidia, macroconidia, and hyphae in LPCB tease mount microscopy

Microsporum ferrugineum Colony Morphology on SDA

Microsporum ferrugineum Colony Morphology on SDA
Fig. Microsporum ferrugineum Colony Morphology on SDA-Microsporum ferrugineum colonies on SDA are waxy, glabrous, convoluted thallus with a cream to a buff-colored surface

Microsporum ferrugineum in LPCB tease mount microscopy

Microsporum ferrugineum in LPCB  tease mount microscopy
Fig. Microsporum ferrugineum in LPCB tease mount microscopy-LPCB preparation from the culture of Microsporum ferrugineum showing bamboo hyphae and the absence of both microconidia and macroconidia

Ochroconis gallopava colony morphology on SDA

Ochroconis gallopava colony morphology on SDA
Fig. Ochroconis gallopava colony morphology on SDA- Smooth to suede-like, dry, flat, tobacco brown colonies

Ochroconis gallopava reverse pigment

Ochroconis gallopava reverse pigment
Fig. Ochroconis gallopava reverse pigment-Smooth to suede-like, dry, flat, tobacco brown colonies with dark brown diffusible pigment

Ochroconis gallopava in 0.05% Tween 80 wet mount microscopy

Ochroconis gallopava in 0.05% Tween 80 wet mount microscopy
Fig. Ochroconis gallopava in 0.05% Tween 80 wet mount of culture microscopy exhibiting conidia, conidiophores, hyphae, and hyphae are brown with relatively thick walls.

Ochroconis gallopava in LPCB tease mount Microscopy displaying hyphae, conidiophores, and conidia

Ochroconis gallopava in LPCB tease mount Microscopy displaying hyphae,conidiophores and conidia
Fig. Ochroconis gallopava in LPCB tease mount Microscopy displaying hyphae, conidiophores, and conidia

Trichosporon colony morphology on PDA 

Trichosporon colony morphology on PDA
Fig. Trichosporon colony morphology on PDA

Arthroconidia of Trichosporon inkin long cylindrical form in LPCB tease mount Microscopy

Arthroconidia of Trichosporon inkin long cylindrical form in LPCB tease mount Microscopy
Fig. Arthroconidia of Trichosporon inkin long cylindrical form in LPCB tease mount Microscopy

Curvularia colony characteristics on SDA

Curvularia colony characteristics on SDA
Fig. Curvularia colony characteristics on SDA

Black mold or dematiaceous fungi or Curvularia colony morphology

Black mould or dematiaceous fungi or Curvularia colony morphology
Fig. Black mold or dematiaceous fungi or Curvularia colony morphology

Black mould or dematiaceous fungi or Curvularia in LPCB tease mount exhibiting spores or conidia and conidiophores

Black mould or dematiaceous fungi or Curvularia in LPCB tease mount exhibiting spores or conidia and conidiophores
Fig. Black mould or dematiaceous fungi or Curvularia in LPCB tease mount exhibiting spores or conidia and conidiophores

Penicillium colony morphology on Potato dextrose agar (PDA)

Penicillium colony morphology on Potato dextrose agar (PDA)
Fig. Penicillium colony morphology on Potato dextrose agar (PDA)

Conidia, phialides, septate hyphae, and conidiophore of Penicillium in LPCB tease mount microscopic footage

Conidia, phialides, septate hyphae, and conidiophore of Penicillium in LPCB tease mount microscopic footage
Fig. Conidia, phialides, septate hyphae, and conidiophore of Penicillium in LPCB tease mount microscopic footage

Penicillium colony morphology on SDA

Penicillium colony morphology on SDA
Fig. Penicillium colony morphology on SDA

Penicillium cheresanum in LPCB tease mount exhibiting long single-celled conidia

Penicillium cheresanum in LPCB tease mount exhibiting long single celled conidia
Fig. Penicillium cheresanum in LPCB tease mount exhibiting long single-celled conidia

Penicillium marneffei colony morphology on SDA

Penicillium marneffei colony morphology on SDA
Fig. Penicillium marneffei colony morphology on SDA

Penicillium marneffei diffusible brownish-red to wine-red pigment on SDA

Penicillium marneffei diffusible brownishred to wine-red pigment on SDA
Fig. Penicillium marneffei diffusible brownish-red to wine-red pigment on SDA

Penicillium marneffei fungal elements in LPCB teast mount microscopy

Penicillium marneffei fungal elements in LPCB tease mount microscopy
Fig. Penicillium marneffei fungal elements in LPCB tease mount microscopy

Paecilomyces marquandii Colony Morphology on CMA

Paecilomyces marquandii Colony Morphology on CMA
Fig. Paecilomyces marquandii Colony Morphology on CMA

Conidiophores, phialides and conidia of Paecilomyes marquandii in LPCB Tease mount

Conidiophores, phialides and conidia of Paecilomyes marquandii in LPCB Tease mount
Fig. Conidiophores, phialides and conidia of Paecilomyes marquandii in LPCB Tease mount

Sporangiophores, columellae and rhizoids of Rhizopus in LPCB mount

Sporangiophores, columellae and rhizoids of Rhizopus in LPCB mount
Fig. Sporangiophores, columellae and rhizoids of Rhizopus in LPCB mount

Mucor causing Mucormycosis colony morphology

Mucor causing Mucormycosis colony morphology
Fig. Mucor causing Mucormycosis colony morphology

Sporangium, sporangiospores, columella, sporangiophore, or aerial hyphae of Mucor species in LPCB tease mount

Sporangium, sporangiospores, columella, sporangiophore or aerial hyphae of Mucor species in LPCB tease mount
Fig. Sporangium, sporangiospores, columella, sporangiophore or aerial hyphae of Mucor species in LPCB tease mount

Sporangiospores or conidia of Mucor species in LPCB tease mount at a magnification of 1600X

Sporangiospores or conidia of Mucor species in LPCB tease mount at magnification of 1600X
Fig. Sporangiospores or conidia of Mucor species in LPCB tease mount at a magnification of 1600X

Rhizomucor in LPCB tease mount

Rhizomucor in LPCB tease mount
Fig. Rhizomucor in LPCB tease mount

Fusarium species colony morphology

Fusarium solani colony morphology
Fig. Fusarium species colony morphology

Fusarium oxysporum conidia and phialides in LPCB tease mount

Fusarium oxysporum conidia and phialides in LPCB tease mount
Fig. Fusarium oxysporum conidia and phialides in LPCB tease mount

Fusarium oxysporum colony characteristics on SDA

Fusarium oxysporum colony characteristics on SDA
Fig. Fusarium oxysporum colony characteristics on SDA

Fusarium oxysporum reverse pigment on SDA

Fusarium oxysporum reverse pigment on SDA
Fig. Fusarium oxysporum reverse pigment on SDA

Fusarium solani in LPCB tease mount preparation showing microconidia, phialides, and macroconidia

Fusarium solani in LPCB tease mount preparation showing microconidia, phialides and macroconidia
Fig. Fusarium solani in LPCB tease mount preparation showing microconidia, phialides, and macroconidia

Syncephalastrum colony morphology on SDA

Syncephalastrum colony morphology on SDA
Fig. Syncephalastrum colony morphology on SDA

Syncephalastrum in LPCB tease mount

Syncephalastrum in LPCB tease mount
Fig. Syncephalastrum in LPCB tease mount

Sporangiophores, merosporangia, and merospores of Syncephlastrum in LPCB tease mount

Sporangiophores, merosporangia and merospores of Syncephlastrum in LPCB tease mount
Fig. Sporangiophores, merosporangia, and merospores of Syncephlastrum in LPCB tease mount

Syncephlastrum in LPCB tease mount showing sporangiophores, merosporangia, and merospores

Syncephlastrum in LPCB tease mount showing sporangiophores, merosporangia and merospores
Fig. Syncephlastrum in LPCB tease mount showing sporangiophores, merosporangia, and merospores

Acremonium powdery colonies on SDA

Acremonium powdery colonies on SDA
Fig. Acremonium powdery colonies on SDA

Acremonium reverse pigment on SDA

Acremonium reverse pigment on SDA
Fig. Acremonium reverse pigment on SDA

Acremonium in LPCB tease mount exhibiting long awl-shaped phialides producing cylindrical, one-celled conidia mostly aggregated in slimy heads at the apex of each phialide-

Acremonium in LPCB tease mount exhibiting long awl-shaped phialides producing cylindrical, one-celled conidia mostly aggregated in slimy heads at the apex of each phialide-
Fig. Acremonium in LPCB tease mount exhibiting long awl-shaped phialides producing cylindrical, one-celled conidia mostly aggregated in slimy heads at the apex of each phialide-

Sporothrix schenckii colony morphology on SDA

Sporothrix schenckii colony morphology on SDA
Fig. Sporothrix schenckii colony morphology on SDA

Sporothrix schenckii in LPCB tease mount from culture on SDA at 25°C

 Sporothrix schenckii in LPCB tease mount  from culture on SDA at 25°C
Fig. Sporothrix schenckii in LPCB tease mount from culture on SDA at 25°C

Sporothrix schenckii in LPCB tease mount from culture on SDA at 37°C

 Sporothrix schenckii in LPCB tease mount from culture on SDA at 37°C
Fig. Sporothrix schenckii in LPCB tease mount from culture on SDA at 37°C

Cylindrocarpon Colony Characteristics on SDA

Cylindrocarpon Colony Characteristics on SDA
Fig. Cylindrocarpon Colony Characteristics on SDA

Cylindrocarpon species in LPCB tease mount showing hyphae, chlamydospores and conidia

Cylindrocarpon species in LPCB tease mount showing hyphae, chlamydospores and conidia
Fig. Cylindrocarpon species in LPCB tease mount showing hyphae, chlamydospores, and conidia


27 thoughts on “Atlas of Fungi: Introduction, List of Contents, and Description”

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