AST (SGOT) Blood Test-Introduction, Test Result, Unit, Reference Range, Test Methods, Clinical Significance, and Keynotes

AST (SGOT) Blood Test-Introduction, Test Result, Unit, Reference Range, Test Methods, Clinical Significance, and Keynotes

Introduction The AST (SGOT) Blood Test measures aspartate aminotransferase, an enzyme primarily found in the liver, heart, and muscles. Moreover, AST plays a critical role in amino acid metabolism and energy production. In addition, this test helps evaluate tissue health, particularly for detecting liver or …

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ALT (SGPT) Blood Test-Introduction, Test Result, Unit, Reference Range, Test Methods, Clinical Significance, and Keynotes

ALT (SGPT) Blood Test-Introduction, Test Result, Unit, Reference Range, Test Methods, Clinical Significance, and Keynotes

Introduction The ALT (SGPT) Blood Test measures alanine aminotransferase, an enzyme primarily found in liver cells. Moreover, ALT is crucial in amino acid metabolism and energy production. In addition, this test evaluates liver health, detecting damage caused by diseases or toxic substances. Furthermore, elevated ALT …

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Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) Test-Introduction, Test Result, Unit, Reference Range, Test Methods, Clinical Significance, and Keynotes

Introduction Firstly, the ALP test measures the levels of alkaline phosphatase enzyme, primarily found in the liver and bones. Moreover, this enzyme plays a key role in breaking down proteins and supporting normal metabolic processes. In addition, the test evaluates liver and bone health, aiding …

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Gamma-glutamyl Transferase (GGT) Test-Introduction, Test Result, Unit, Reference Range, Test Methods, Clinical Significance, and Keynotes

Introduction The Gamma-glutamyl Transferase (GGT) Test measures the levels of GGT enzyme in the blood, indicating liver and bile duct health. Moreover, it helps detect liver damage or dysfunction, often caused by alcohol use or certain medications. In addition, the test evaluates bile flow issues, …

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Biochemistry Test: Introduction, List of Tests, Unit and Normal Range

Biochemistry tests results on the screen of Vitrous 250 analyser

Introduction of Biochemistry Test Biochemistry is the branch of medicine that deals with a series of blood tests used to evaluate the functional ability of several critical organs and systems of the body. e.g. renal function test (RFT) for kidney, liver function test (LFT) for …

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