Top 10 Fungal Pathogens: List with short Descriptions, and Footage

Mucor colony morphology on SDA

Top 10 Fungal Pathogens List A list of the Top 10 Fungal Pathogens is summarized as follows- Short Descriptions of Top 10 Fungal Pathogens Candida albicans Aspergillus fumigatus Cryptococcus neoformans Histoplasma capsulatum Blastomyces dermatitidis Coccidioides immitis (and C. posadasii) Pneumocystis jirovecii Mucor species (and Rhizopus …

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Rose Bengal Agar (RBA)- Introduction, Principle, Composition, Test Procedure, Colony Characteristics, Uses, and Keynotes

Fungal growth on Rose Bengal Agar (RBA) at centre

Introduction Rose Bengal Agar (RBA) is a selective medium for isolating fungi. It contains rose bengal dye, which inhibits bacterial growth. This medium supports the growth of various fungi. Chloramphenicol in RBA further suppresses bacterial contamination. Scientists and clinicians use it for environmental and clinical …

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Slide Culture Technique for Fungi- Introduction, Requirement, Procedure, Uses, Disadvantage, and Keynotes

Slide Culture Technique for Fungi- Introduction, Requirement, Procedure, Uses, Disadvantage, and Keynotes

Introduction The Slide Culture Technique for fungi allows detailed observation of fungal structures. It provides a clear view of spores and hyphae. This method uses a small block of agar on a slide. The technique is especially useful for identifying molds. You place a coverslip …

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Comparative Analysis of Capsule Expression in Cryptococcus neoformans: India Ink Visualization from Clinical CSF Samples versus SDA Agar Cultures

Cryptococcus neoformans capsules in India Ink Preparation of Culture of organisms

Introduction of India Ink preparation Cryptococcus neoformans is an encapsulated yeast that causes cryptococcal meningitis, particularly in immunocompromised individuals. The capsule is a critical virulence factor, and its visualization is essential for diagnosis. This preparation is a common method used to visualize the capsule. Here, …

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Presence of Numerous Pus Cells Without Detectable Microbes in Gram-Stained Sputum: Introduction, Diagnostic Implications, and Clinical Considerations

Presence of Numerous Pus Cells Without Detectable Microbes in Gram-Stained Sputum: Introduction, Diagnostic Implications, and Clinical Considerations

Introduction Gram staining is a routine diagnostic tool for respiratory infections. It reveals bacteria in sputum samples. Occasionally, Gram staining shows numerous pus cells but no microbes. This finding raises several clinical questions and concerns. Pus cells indicate an inflammatory response. They suggest a possible …

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Candidiasis-Introduction, Types, Signs and Symptoms, Causative Agent, Laboratory Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention and Control, and Keynotes

Candida albicans growth on SDA after 2 days of incubation

Introduction Candidiasis is an infection caused by Candida fungi, commonly Candida albicans. These fungi naturally live on the skin and inside the body, like in the mouth, throat, gut, and vagina, without causing problems. However, if the environment inside the body changes or the immune …

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Medical Fungi Name Changes-Introduction, and Name Lists

Medical Fungi Name Changes List-1

Introduction The dynamic field of fungal phylogenetics is continually evolving, leading to numerous revisions in the classification and nomenclature of fungi. The list provided here captures several of the latest name changes among fungi of medical significance. However, it is important to note that this …

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The cost of whole-genome sequencing (WGS) for a fungus-Introduction, Keynotes, and Further Readings

The cost of whole-genome sequencing (WGS) for a fungus-Introduction, Keynotes, and Further Readings

Introduction of the cost of whole-genome sequencing (WGS) for a fungus Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) is a powerful technology that has revolutionized the fields of genetics, biology, and medicine. It involves determining the complete DNA sequence of an organism’s genome at a single time. This comprehensive …

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