Enterococcus avium-Introduction, Morphology, Pathogenicity, Lab Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, and Keynote

Enterococcus avium colony morphology on CLED agar

Introduction Enterococcus avium is a Gram-positive bacterium commonly found in birds. However, it can also inhabit the gastrointestinal tracts of humans and animals. Although it is less prevalent than other Enterococcus species, E. avium has been identified as a nosocomial pathogen in humans. Notably, it …

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HMPV-Introduction, Morphology, Pathogenicity, Lab Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, and Keynotes

HMPV-Introduction, Morphology, Pathogenicity, Lab Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, and Keynotes

Introduction Human Metapneumovirus (HMPV) is a respiratory pathogen that affects children and older adults. Additionally, it belongs to the Paramyxoviridae family and emerged in 2001. Moreover, it shares genetic similarities with Avian Metapneumovirus, suggesting a possible zoonotic origin. HMPV typically causes respiratory symptoms like coughing, wheezing, …

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Citrobacter werkmanii-Introduction, Morphology, Pathogenicity, Lab Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, and Keynote

Lactose fermenting colony of Citrobacter werkmanii

Introduction Citrobacter werkmanii is a gram-negative bacterium belonging to the genus Citrobacter. It is commonly found in the environment, including soil, water, and sewage. This bacterium is part of the normal flora of the human intestinal tract but can act as an opportunistic pathogen. C. …

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Pantoea agglomerans-Introduction, Morphology, Pathogenicity, Lab Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, and Keynote

Pantoea agglomerans in Gram staining of culture

Introduction Pantoea agglomerans, a Gram-negative, facultative anaerobic bacterium, belongs to the Enterobacteriaceae family. Moreover, it is commonly found in soil, plants, and water. Interestingly, it plays a dual role as a plant symbiont and an opportunistic human pathogen. Additionally, P. agglomerans colonizes plant tissues and …

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Proteus penneri– Introduction, Morphology, Pathogenicity, Lab Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, and Keynote

Proteus penneri growth on CLED agar

Introduction Proteus penneri is a Gram-negative bacterium found in various environments, including water and soil. It belongs to the family Enterobacteriaceae, sharing characteristics with other Proteus species. However, it differs from its relatives, like Proteus mirabilis, in its biochemical properties. This species can cause infections …

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Streptococcus gallolyticus – Introduction, Morphology, Pathogenicity, Lab Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, and Keynote

Streptococcus gallolytucus in a wet mount of culture microscopy at a magnification of 1600X

Introduction Streptococcus gallolyticus is a Gram-positive bacterium. It belongs to the Streptococcus bovis group. This bacterium often inhabits the gastrointestinal tract. S. gallolyticus can cause endocarditis and bacteremia. Moreover, it is associated with colorectal cancer. Researchers use it to study host-pathogen interactions. Identifying S. gallolyticus …

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Susceptible Dose-Dependent (SDD) Antimicrobial Phenotype- Introduction, Clinical Significance, and Keynotes

Susceptible Dose-Dependent (SDD) Antimicrobial Phenotype- Introduction, Clinical Significance, and Keynotes

Introduction The susceptible dose-dependent (SDD) antimicrobial phenotype is a critical concept in microbiology. It indicates pathogens that require higher doses of antimicrobials for effective treatment. Clinicians must adjust doses to surpass the standard levels. This adjustment ensures the drug’s efficacy against partially resistant pathogens. Moreover, …

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D-Zone Test: Introduction, Principle, Procedure, Result-Interpretation, Clinical Significance, and Keynotes

D-Zone Test Positive strain of Staphylococcus aureus

Introduction The D-Zone test identifies inducible clindamycin resistance in bacteria. Typically, it involves using erythromycin and clindamycin discs on an agar plate. When placed near each other, the interaction is observed. If a D-shaped zone appears around clindamycin, resistance is confirmed. Consequently, this test helps …

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