Rifampicin Resistant Indeterminate- Introduction, Result, Cause, Implication, and Summary

Rifampicin Resistant Indeterminate result of Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Introduction “Rifampicin resistant indeterminate” refers to an unclear or inconclusive result in testing for resistance to the antibiotic rifampicin, often used in the treatment of tuberculosis (TB). Here’s a breakdown of the term: Rifampicin Resistant Result and Cause Indeterminate Result: This means the test did …

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Candidiasis-Introduction, Types, Signs and Symptoms, Causative Agent, Laboratory Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention and Control, and Keynotes

Candida albicans growth on SDA after 2 days of incubation

Introduction Candidiasis is an infection caused by Candida fungi, commonly Candida albicans. These fungi naturally live on the skin and inside the body, like in the mouth, throat, gut, and vagina, without causing problems. However, if the environment inside the body changes or the immune …

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