Staphylococcus sciuri- Introduction, Morphology, Pathogenicity, Lab Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, and Keynotes

Staphylococcus sciuri Gram positive cocci in singles, pairs, chains and clusters in Gram stain of culture microscopic examination

Introduction Staphylococcus sciuri belongs to the coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) group. Since it thrives in diverse environments, scientists often isolate it from animals, soil, and water. Moreover, it colonizes the skin and mucosal surfaces of humans and animals. Although it usually remains harmless, it can cause …

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Top 10 Bacterial Pathogens: List with short Descriptions

Beta-haemolytic colonies of Staphylococcus aureus on 5% sheep blood agar

List of Top 10 Bacterial Pathogens A list of the Top 10 Bacterial Pathogens is summarized as follows- Top 10 Bacterial Pathogens Short Descriptions Footages Escherichia coli lactose fermenting colony on CLED agar of urine culture Beta-haemolytic colonies of Staphylococcus aureus on 5% sheep blood …

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Citrobacter werkmanii-Introduction, Morphology, Pathogenicity, Lab Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, and Keynote

Lactose fermenting colony of Citrobacter werkmanii

Introduction Citrobacter werkmanii is a gram-negative bacterium belonging to the genus Citrobacter. It is commonly found in the environment, including soil, water, and sewage. This bacterium is part of the normal flora of the human intestinal tract but can act as an opportunistic pathogen. C. …

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Proteus penneri– Introduction, Morphology, Pathogenicity, Lab Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, and Keynote

Proteus penneri growth on CLED agar

Introduction Proteus penneri is a Gram-negative bacterium found in various environments, including water and soil. It belongs to the family Enterobacteriaceae, sharing characteristics with other Proteus species. However, it differs from its relatives, like Proteus mirabilis, in its biochemical properties. This species can cause infections …

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Enterococcus gallinarum – Introduction, Morphology, Pathogenicity, Lab Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, and Keynotes

E. gallunarum in Gram stain of culture showing Gram positive cocci in pairs

Introduction Enterococcus gallinarum is a Gram-positive, facultatively anaerobic bacterium. It naturally inhabits the intestines of humans and animals. This bacterium exhibits intrinsic resistance to vancomycin. It can cause infections in immunocompromised patients. It is associated with urinary tract infections and bacteremia. Proper laboratory techniques are …

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E. aerogenes: Introduction, Morphology, Pathogenicity, Lab Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, and Keynotes

Enterobacter aerogenes colony morphology on CLED agar of urine culture

Introduction Enterobacter aerogenes is a bacterium belonging to the Enterobacteriaceae family, which includes several other important pathogens and opportunistic bacteria. E. aerogenes is a Gram-negative, rod-shaped bacterium that is commonly found in various environments, including soil, water, and the gastrointestinal tracts of humans and animals. …

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Achromobacter xylosoxidans: Introduction, Morphology, Pathogenicity, Lab Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, and Keynotes

Gram negative rods (GNRs) or Gram negative bacilli (GNBs)of Achromobacter xylosoxidans in Gram staining of culture microscopy

Introduction Achromobacter xylosoxidans is a gram-negative, non-fermenting bacterium that belongs to the family Alcaligenaceae. It is an aerobic, rod-shaped bacterium known for its versatile metabolic capabilities and its widespread distribution in various environments, including soil, water, and hospital settings. Originally classified as Alcaligenes xylosoxidans, the …

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Enterococcus faecium: Introduction, Morphology, Pathogenicity, Lab Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, and Keynotes

Gram positive cocci in singles, pairs and chains of Enterococcus faecium in Gram staining of culture microscopy

Introduction Enterococcus faecium is a bacterium that belongs to the Enterococcus genus, which is a part of the Firmicutes phylum. It is a Gram-positive, facultative anaerobic coccus, typically occurring in pairs or short chains. Enterococci are commensal bacteria commonly found in the gastrointestinal tract of …

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