Immunofluorescence assay (IFA)-Introduction, Principle, Types, Procedure, Result-Interpretation, Advantage, Disadvantage, and Interfering Factors of ELISA Test Results, and Keynotes

Introduction Immunofluorescence assay (IFA) is a laboratory technique used for detecting and visualizing specific antigens or antibodies in biological samples. It combines the principles of both immunology and fluorescence microscopy to provide highly specific and sensitive results. IFA is widely employed in various fields, including …

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Darkfield Microscope: Introduction, Principle, Parts, Uses, Care and Maintenance, and Keynotes

Introduction A darkfield microscope is a specialized optical instrument used in microscopy to visualize transparent specimens that are otherwise difficult to see using traditional brightfield illumination. It operates on the principle of illuminating the sample with oblique or angled light, causing the specimen to appear …

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Inverted Microscope: Introduction, Principle, Parts, Uses, Care and Maintenance, and Keynotes

Inverted Microscope: Introduction, Principle, Parts, Uses, Care and Maintenance, and Keynotes

Introduction An inverted microscope is a specialized optical instrument that revolutionizes the way we observe and study biological specimens, live cells, and other materials in a liquid medium. Unlike conventional microscopes, where the objective lens is above the specimen, the inverted microscope ingeniously flips this …

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Fluorescence Microscope: Introduction, Principle, Parts, Uses, Care and Maintenance, and Keynotes

Fluorescence Microscope: Introduction, Principle, Parts, Uses, Care and Maintenance, and Keynotes

Introduction A Fluorescence Microscope is a powerful optical instrument used to observe and study specimens that emit fluorescence when exposed to specific wavelengths of light. This technique exploits the unique properties of fluorescence, where certain molecules or structures absorb light at one wavelength and emit …

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Phase Contrast Microscope: Introduction, Principle, Parts, Uses, Care and Maintenance, and Keynotes

Phase Contrast Microscope: Introduction, Principle, Parts, Uses, Care and Maintenance, and Keynotes

Introduction A Phase Contrast Microscope is an optical instrument designed to enhance the visibility of transparent and unstained samples, such as living cells, by converting phase differences in light waves into brightness variations in the image. This technique was invented by Dutch physicist Frits Zernike …

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