RBC Morphology-Introduction, Types, Clinical Significance, and Keynotes

RBC Morphology-Introduction, Types, Clinical Significance, and Keynotes

Introduction RBC morphology examines red blood cell shape, size, and color. Moreover, it provides insights into hematologic health. Additionally, abnormal features suggest underlying diseases. Furthermore, clinicians use morphology to guide diagnosis. Consequently, it is crucial in routine blood evaluations. Types Some common types of RBC …

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Comparative Analysis of Capsule Expression in Cryptococcus neoformans: India Ink Visualization from Clinical CSF Samples versus SDA Agar Cultures

Cryptococcus neoformans capsules in India Ink Preparation of Culture of organisms

Introduction of India Ink preparation Cryptococcus neoformans is an encapsulated yeast that causes cryptococcal meningitis, particularly in immunocompromised individuals. The capsule is a critical virulence factor, and its visualization is essential for diagnosis. This preparation is a common method used to visualize the capsule. Here, …

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Mcfarland Densitometer-Introduction, Principle, Handling Procedure, Application, and Keynotes

Optimal bacterial inoculums (McFarland 0.5 turbidity) for antimicrobial susceptibility testing

Introduction A McFarland densitometer is a simple yet essential laboratory instrument used to measure the optical density of a liquid bacterial suspension. It is a valuable tool in microbiology and clinical laboratories, particularly in tasks like adjusting bacterial cell concentrations for experiments, quality control of …

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Flow Cytometry-Introduction, Principle, Using Procedure, Uses, and Keynotes

Flow Cytometry-Introduction, Principle, Using Procedure, Uses, and Keynotes

Introduction Flow cytometry is a powerful laboratory technique used in the fields of biology, medicine, and immunology to analyze and quantify various physical and chemical characteristics of cells and particles. It allows for the rapid and simultaneous measurement of multiple properties of individual cells as …

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Immunofluorescence assay (IFA)-Introduction, Principle, Types, Procedure, Result-Interpretation, Advantage, Disadvantage, and Interfering Factors of ELISA Test Results, and Keynotes

Introduction Immunofluorescence assay (IFA) is a laboratory technique used for detecting and visualizing specific antigens or antibodies in biological samples. It combines the principles of both immunology and fluorescence microscopy to provide highly specific and sensitive results. IFA is widely employed in various fields, including …

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PAP Smear-Introduction, Test Result, Test Method, Clinical Significance, and Keynotes

PAP Smear-Introduction, Test Result, Unit, Normal Range, Test Method, Clinical Significance, and Keynotes

Introduction A Papanicolaou smear, commonly known as a Pap smear or Pap test, is a routine gynecological screening procedure used to detect abnormal changes in the cells of the cervix, which is the lower part of the uterus (womb) that connects to the vagina. The …

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Clinical Laboratory Gallery: Introduction, Contents, and Brief Description of Photos

Wet Mount Microscopy-Ready slide for observation

Introduction ‘Clinical Laboratory Gallery’ is a collection of genuine photos regarding stream of Clinical Laboratory like Stool and Urine Section (SUS), Phlebotomy, Clinical Haematology, Clinical Biochemistry, Blood Banking and Transfusion medicine, Microbiology and Immunology, Cytology and Histopathology, and Molecular Biology. Contents Collection of images are …

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Urinalysis: Introduction, List of Some Common Tests, Test Report, Clinical Significance, and Keynotes

Urinalysis-Introduction, List of Some Common Tests, Test Report, Clinical Significance, and Keynotes

Introduction Urinalysis is a diagnostic medical test that involves the examination of urine to evaluate a person’s health and detect various medical conditions. It is one of the most commonly performed laboratory tests and provides valuable information about the body’s metabolism, kidney function, and overall …

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