Counterimmunoelectrophoresis (CIE): Introduction, Application, and Keynotes

The schematic diagram of countermmunoelectrophoresis (CIE)

Introduction Counterimmunoelectrophoresis is a rapid diagnostic technique in modern immunology laboratories and enhances timely results. Primarily, it separates antigens and antibodies using an electric field for accelerated reactions with precision. Additionally, this method improves immunological assays’ detection speed and remarkably reduces waiting times. Subsequently, it …

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Fungal Serology-Introduction, List of Tests, Application, and Keynotes

Fungal Serology-Introduction, List of Tests, Application, and Keynotes

Introduction Fungal serology detects antibodies and antigens from fungal pathogens in blood samples. Moreover, it identifies immune responses to various mycoses. Additionally, clinicians use these tests for diagnosing invasive fungal infections. Furthermore, serology supplements culture and microscopic techniques. Consequently, it plays a vital role in …

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Foley Catheter Culture and Sensitivity- Introduction, Report, Clinical Significance, Common Pathogens, and Keynotes

Foley Catheter Culture and Sensitivity- Introduction, Report, Clinical Significance, Common Pathogens, and Keynotes

Introduction The Foley catheter culture and sensitivity test identifies bacteria from catheterized urine samples. Additionally, it detects infections linked to catheter use. Furthermore, clinicians order the test for precise diagnosis. Moreover, the test distinguishes contamination from true infection. Consequently, it improves patient management. Report The …

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Rifampicin Resistant Indeterminate- Introduction, Result, Cause, Implication, and Summary

Rifampicin Resistant Indeterminate result of Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Introduction “Rifampicin resistant indeterminate” refers to an unclear or inconclusive result in testing for resistance to the antibiotic rifampicin, often used in the treatment of tuberculosis (TB). Here’s a breakdown of the term: Rifampicin Resistant Result and Cause Indeterminate Result: This means the test did …

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D-Dimer Test-Introduction- Test Result, Unit, Reference Range, Method, and Keynotes

D-Dimer Test-Result, Unit, Reference Range, and Method

Introduction The D-Dimer test measures a substance released when a blood clot breaks up. It helps diagnose clotting disorders. Doctors often order this test to rule out conditions like deep vein thrombosis. It is also useful for diagnosing pulmonary embolism. A high D-Dimer level indicates …

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Comparative Analysis of Capsule Expression in Cryptococcus neoformans: India Ink Visualization from Clinical CSF Samples versus SDA Agar Cultures

Cryptococcus neoformans capsules in India Ink Preparation of Culture of organisms

Introduction of India Ink preparation Cryptococcus neoformans is an encapsulated yeast that causes cryptococcal meningitis, particularly in immunocompromised individuals. The capsule is a critical virulence factor, and its visualization is essential for diagnosis. This preparation is a common method used to visualize the capsule. Here, …

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SARS-CoV-2 PCR Test-Introduction, Test Result, Test Method, Clinical Significance, and Keynotes

SARS-CoV-2 PCR Test-Introduction, Test Result, Unit, Normal Range, Test Method, Clinical Significance, and Keynotes

Introduction The Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test is a molecular diagnostic technique used to detect the genetic material of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in individuals suspected of having COVID-19. This test plays a crucial role in identifying active infections …

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Pleural Fluid Culture and Sensitivity: Introduction, Report, Clinical Significance, Common Pathogens, and Keynotes

Pleural fluid for laboratory diagnosis

Introduction Pleural fluid culture and sensitivity is a diagnostic test used to identify and determine the antibiotic susceptibility of microorganisms present in the pleural fluid. The pleural fluid is a clear fluid that accumulates between the two layers of the pleura, the membrane that surrounds …

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