Susceptible Dose-Dependent (SDD) Antimicrobial Phenotype- Introduction, Clinical Significance, and Keynotes

Susceptible Dose-Dependent (SDD) Antimicrobial Phenotype- Introduction, Clinical Significance, and Keynotes

Introduction The susceptible dose-dependent (SDD) antimicrobial phenotype is a critical concept in microbiology. It indicates pathogens that require higher doses of antimicrobials for effective treatment. Clinicians must adjust doses to surpass the standard levels. This adjustment ensures the drug’s efficacy against partially resistant pathogens. Moreover, …

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Extra-Pulmonary Tuberculosis-Introduction, Types, and keynotes

Acid fast bacilli of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in urine sediment

Introduction Extra-pulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB) affects areas outside the lungs. It impacts the lymph nodes, pleura, and bones. Patients often experience varied symptoms, depending on the affected site. Lymph node TB causes swelling, while bone TB results in pain. Pleural TB leads to chest pain and …

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Mycobacterium tuberculosis: Introduction, Morphology, Pathogenicity, Lab Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, and Keynotes

Mycobacterium tuberculosis colony morphology on LJ medium

Introduction Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a bacterium that causes tuberculosis (TB), a contagious infectious disease primarily affecting the lungs but can also affect other parts of the body. TB has been a significant public health concern worldwide, causing illness and death for thousands of years. Key …

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