E-Test-Introduction, Principle, Test Requirements, Procedure, Result-Interpretation, Application, and Keynotes

Placing Vancomycin E-Test Strip for Staphylococcus aureus

Introduction The E-Test, short for “Epsilometer Test,” is a diagnostic tool used in clinical microbiology and antimicrobial susceptibility testing. It is a method for determining the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of antibiotics or antimicrobial agents against a particular bacterial or fungal pathogen. The E-Test is …

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Syncephalastrum: Introduction, Morphology, Pathogenicity, Lab Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, and Keynotes

Introduction Syncephalastrum is a genus of fungi belonging to the order Mucorales. It is characterized by its unique morphology and life cycle, which differentiates it from other fungal groups. Syncephalastrum species are commonly found in soil and decaying organic matter, where they play essential roles …

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Scedosporium: Introduction, Morphology, Pathogenicity, Lab Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, and Keynotes

Scedosporium colony morphology on Sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA) of clinical specimen, pus culture

Introduction Scedosporium is a genus of fungi that belongs to the phylum Ascomycota. It is a medically important group of molds known for their ability to cause a wide range of infections in humans. The genus was first described in 1913 by Paul Vuillemin and …

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