Fungal Serology-Introduction, List of Tests, Application, and Keynotes

Fungal Serology-Introduction, List of Tests, Application, and Keynotes

Introduction Fungal serology detects antibodies and antigens from fungal pathogens in blood samples. Moreover, it identifies immune responses to various mycoses. Additionally, clinicians use these tests for diagnosing invasive fungal infections. Furthermore, serology supplements culture and microscopic techniques. Consequently, it plays a vital role in …

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Candida parapsilosis: Introduction, Morphology, Pathogenicity, Lab Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, and Keynotes

Candida parapsilosis: Introduction, Morphology, Pathogenicity, Lab Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, and Keynotes

Introduction Candida parapsilosis is a species of yeast or fungus that is commonly found in the environment and can also be a commensal organism in the human body. It is a member of the Candida genus, which includes several species of yeast that can cause …

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E-Test-Introduction, Principle, Test Requirements, Procedure, Result-Interpretation, Application, and Keynotes

Placing Vancomycin E-Test Strip for Staphylococcus aureus

Introduction The E-Test, short for “Epsilometer Test,” is a diagnostic tool used in clinical microbiology and antimicrobial susceptibility testing. It is a method for determining the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of antibiotics or antimicrobial agents against a particular bacterial or fungal pathogen. The E-Test is …

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Candida krusei: Introduction, Morphology, Pathogenicity, Lab Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, and Keynotes

Colony morphology of Candida krusei on SDA plate

Introduction Candida krusei is a species of yeast that belongs to the Candida genus. It is an opportunistic fungal pathogen known to cause infections in humans, particularly those with compromised immune systems or underlying medical conditions. C. krusei is an important member of the Candida …

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Candida tropicalis: Introduction, Morphology, Pathogenicity, Lab Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, and Keynotes

Various Candida species grew on Candida CHROMAgar -Candida albicans (green), Candida tropicalis (cream-colored to light pink colonies), Candida glabrata (purple to lavender-color), Candida krusei(dark blue to mauve colonies), and Candida parapsilosis (cream-colored) as shown in the figure.

Introduction Candida tropicalis is a species of yeast, belonging to the Candida genus, commonly found in the environment and on the human body as part of the normal microbial flora. Similar to other Candida species, it can exist as a commensal organism, coexisting harmlessly with …

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Candida glabrata: Introduction, Morphology, Pathogenicity, Lab Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, and Keynotes

Yeast cells and hyphae of Candida glabrata in Giemsa stained smear of sputum microscopy at a magnification of 1000X

Introduction Candida glabrata is a species of yeast, specifically a type of fungus, that belongs to the Candida genus. It is commonly found in the environment and is also part of the normal microbial flora on the skin and mucous membranes of humans. While it …

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Trichosporon: Introduction, Morphology, Pathogenicity, Lab Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, and Keynotes

Trichosporon colony morphology on potato dextrose agar (PDA) of clinical specimen culture

Introduction Trichosporon is a genus of yeast-like fungi that belongs to the phylum Basidiomycota. It is commonly found in the environment, especially in soil, water, and various organic matter. Trichosporon species can be opportunistic pathogens, and they are known to cause infections in both humans …

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Candida Chromagar: Introduction, Principle, Test Requirements, Procedure, Result-Interpretation, and Keynotes

Candida Chromagar: Introduction, Principle, Test Requirements, Procedure, Result-Interpretation, and Keynotes

Introduction Candida Chromagar is a selective and differential agar medium used for the isolation and identification of Candida species. HiMedia is a well-known manufacturer of microbiological culture media and laboratory products. Here are some keywords related to this agar: Principle The principle of Candida Chromagar …

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